Don Bosco Tech (Poonch) celebrated the World Youth Skill Day with great valour and enthusiasm on July 15, 2019. The theme for World Youth Skills Day was “Learning to learn for life and work”. Various activities were performed by trainees to show cause their skills. 

Brief introduction about the day was shared with all the trainees of different domains. Trainers have explained to them about the importance of skills and ways to acquire them. The young population has hidden talents, and need of the hour is to polish their talents and provide them with the required platform where they can exhibit their talents. Don Bosco Tech as an implementing agency motivates the aspiring youth and is imparting need-based skill training in any particular field by which they can reach and achieve any goal in their lives. 

A program was also organized for the trainees in which they have shown their talents in various field like painting, singing and many more. We were able to know their hidden talents and such program provides a great opportunity for the youth where they are in learning to learn for life and work.